Fractal Antenna Koch Type

Vatana millete hayırlı olsun :). 7.8-8.8 ghz arası güzel çalışıyor. Elle cizmek mümkün değil. VBA scripti gerekiyor. Scriptin tamamını ben yazmadım ve Pavel Kretov githubda paylaştığı için teşekkür ediyorum.

Franctal antenlerin birçok çeşidi var. İnternette bunları bulabilirsiniz. Temelde Franctal şekillerin yenilemeli olarak tekrarlanmasıdır. Recursif fonksiyonlar gibi çalışır. basit şekiller kendini yeniledikçe genelde küçülerek basit şeklin üstüne eklenir ve karmaşık şekiller oluşur. En temel şekil Koch şeklidir. Scripti yazması en kolay olandır. Diğer meşur tip ise minkonsky tipidir. Kapladığı alanı sabit tutmak üzere düzenlendiğinden VBA scripti karmaşık olabilir ve çok fazla minkonsky şekli türetilebilir. Etrafta mandelbrot şeklini görebilirsiniz fakat anten yapmayı hiç denemedim.
Franctal mantığında büyük şekil küçüldükçe aldığı frekans artar. frekans artında daha fazla noktada rezonans noktası oluşturur. Bu işlem sonsuza kadar götürülürse rezonans frekanslarının sayısı da artar ve antenin bandı genişler.

CST Microwave Studio ile simulasyonu gerçekleştirdim.
VBA script:
' Fractal1
' *** Be careful with the line above as CST uses it as a macro name.
' This script constructs a planar fractal antenna in CST Microwave Studio. It
' can paint an approximation of a polyline fractal with a constant segment
' subdivision procedure. The exact form of fractal is can be specified in the
' code only, sorry. This is due to CST limitations.
' When being executed from the 'Macros' menu, the script paints a curve with
' name 'fractal_curve' which form can be controlled by the following
' global parameters (with default values):
'  * fractal_depth  = 4
'  * fractal_length = 10
' The maximum numbers of points in antenna is constrained by 'MaxPoints'
' constant in the code. Adjust it if you want to get a very deep fractal
' approximation it CST. Also, get a *planar* antenna out of that curve, apply
' “Curves -> Trace from Curve...” transformation to it. It seems to work well
' for polylines.
' Copyright (c) Pavel Kretov, 2015.
' Provided under the terms of MIT license. This script was created as a part
' of PhD research in Voronezh State University, Russia.

Option Explicit
Sub Main ()
StoreDoubleParameter "fractal_depth",   4
StoreDoubleParameter "fractal_length", 10

' NOTE: Increase that number if you need to go deeper.
Const MaxPoints = 10000

' Don't pretend Visual Basic for application can handle nested variable
' scope and just declare *all* variables in a single place.
Dim fractalDepth            As Integer
Dim fractalLength           As Double
Dim fractalWidth            As Double
Dim pointsX(MaxPoints)      As Double
Dim pointsY(MaxPoints)      As Double
Dim subdivisionX(MaxPoints) As Double
Dim subdivisionY(MaxPoints) As Double
Dim subdivisionCount        As Integer
Dim subdivisionPointIndex   As Integer
Dim currentCount            As Integer
Dim depthLevel              As Integer
Dim startPointX             As Double
Dim startPointY             As Double
Dim endPointX               As Double
Dim endPointY               As Double
Dim endPointIndex           As Integer
Dim distance                As Double
Dim cosF                    As Double
Dim sinF                    As Double

' Temporary variables. Don't assume any specific meaning for them.
Dim i                       As Integer
Dim j                       As Integer
Dim x                       As Double
Dim y                       As Double
Dim xx                      As Double
Dim yy                      As Double

' Read global parameters.
fractalDepth  = CInt(RestoreDoubleParameter("fractal_depth"))
fractalLength =      RestoreDoubleParameter("fractal_length")

' Put endpoints of the first segment.
pointsX(1) = 0
pointsY(1) = 0
pointsX(2) = fractalLength
pointsY(2) = 0

currentCount = 2
For depthLevel = 1 To fractalDepth
For endPointIndex=currentCount To 2 STEP -1
startPointX = pointsX(endPointIndex-1)
startPointY = pointsY(endPointIndex-1)
endPointX   = pointsX(endPointIndex)
endPointY   = pointsY(endPointIndex)
distance    = Sqr((endPointX-startPointX)^2 + (endPointY-startPointX)^2)
cosF        = (endPointX-startPointX) / distance
sinF        = (endPointY-startPointY) / distance

' NOTE: Alter this block to construct another linear fractal.
' To perform a subdivision, first, assign to 'subdivisionCount'
' the number of points to *insert*. Then, put the coordinates
' of these points to 'subdivisionX' and 'subdivisionY' arrays.
subdivisionCount = 3
subdivisionX(1) = 1/3
subdivisionY(1) = 0
subdivisionX(2) = 1/2
subdivisionY(2) = Sqr(3)/6
subdivisionX(3) = 2/3
subdivisionY(3) = 0

For subdivisionPointIndex=1 To subdivisionCount
x = subdivisionX(subdivisionPointIndex)
y = subdivisionY(subdivisionPointIndex)

' First, scale ...
x = x * distance
y = y * distance

' Then, rotate ...
xx = x*cosF + y*sinF
yy = x*sinF - y*cosF

' Then, shift. In that order.
xx = xx + startPointX
yy = yy + startPointY

subdivisionX(subdivisionPointIndex) = xx
subdivisionY(subdivisionPointIndex) = yy

' Make enough place by shifting part of items to the end.
For i=MaxPoints-subdivisionCount To endPointIndex STEP -1
pointsX(i+subdivisionCount) = pointsX(i)
pointsY(i+subdivisionCount) = pointsY(i)

' Insert new points into list.
For i=endPointIndex To endPointIndex+subdivisionCount-1
pointsX(i) = subdivisionX(i-endPointIndex+1)
pointsY(i) = subdivisionY(i-endPointIndex+1)

' Count new points just added.
currentCount = currentCount + subdivisionCount

' Finally, just draw a polyline curve using points which were calculated
' at the previous step.
Curve.NewCurve "3D-Analytical"
With Polygon3D
.Name  "fractal_curve"
.Curve "3D-Analytical"
For i = 1 To currentCount
.Point pointsX(i), pointsY(i), 0
End With
End Sub


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